Your Roof-An investment that really pays off.Those of us that reside in Southwest Kansas can be sure of one thing, extreme weather changes! If you don’t like the weather just wait a day, it will change. As we are cozy inside our homes our roof is over our head like a protective umbrella to our house. It is taking the hot sun, strong winds and when we are lucky some moisture! It is one of the largest expenses involved in home ownership and easy for us to ignore or put off. 1994 was the year when many homes in our area were replaced due to a large and damaging hail storm. Time goes faster than we think and many of those homes are well overdue for roof replacement or repair. Insurance companies and appraisers are requiring roof inspections for new purchases.…

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In this article I'll share my insights into how to prepare your home to sell quickly and for top dollar.

 From experience, REALTORS® know that a "well-polished" house appeals to more buyers and will sell faster and for a higher price. Additionally, buyers feel more comfortable purchasing a well-cared for home because if what they can see is maintained, what they can't see has probably also been maintained. In readying your house for sale, consider:

  • Clean, clean, clean! Remove clutter & personal items.
  • Removing the less frequently used, even daily used items from kitchen counters, closets, and attics, making these areas much more inviting.
  • If necessary, repainting dingy, soiled or strongly colored walls with a neutral shade of paint.
  • Repair…

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